Research shows that Albert Einstein, one of the world's most intelligent man to ever live, exhibited speech delays in his early years. He lacked the equivalent of a high school diploma but was still able to further his education because of his brilliance in the sciences and mathematics. Otherwise he would have never been admitted into an institution of higher education. If Einstein was simply adjudged by his skills in language arts without seeing his gift and talent, the world would have never been exposed to the scientific theory of relativity. Milton Hersey, known widely for the chocolate Hersey bars and kisses, failed many times at becoming a renowned confectioner, but he didn't give up nor did he give in. In fact Hersey, unbeknownst to many, was a philanthropist at heart and dedicated his life to helping those in need. If Hersey stopped trying because he failed at one attempt to make caramel or chocolate we wouldn't enjoy the taste of those chocolate bars today.
How about us? We are no different to the Einstein's or Hersey's of this world as we too were created for a specific purpose. We were created to do something that God solely designed for each one of us to do and despite our maybe failed attempts we are to keep pressing toward the mark. When we know we are created for a purpose, it's hard to give up or give in, no in fact something within keeps telling us to go a little further even when we can't see the end.
Isaiah 43:7 reminds us that God created us solely for His glory (Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.) But what does that mean? It means we were created to demonstrate the power and gifting of God so that He may be glorified. We are created in His image for a purpose and that purpose is so that men would know the strength of His might and the glory of His resurrecting power. What greater purpose could we serve?
Perhaps we will demonstrate God's glory by inventing some ornate object that man couldn't possibly conceive of on his own, maybe we'll sing so melodiously that all will want to hear our voice and know our song, or perhaps we will have the gift of just helping people and everyone who comes in contact with our assistance will feel the presence of God! All of this is for His glory when we the created, remember to credit the Creator.
Today let us remember that we each have a purpose and that is simply to give Him glory! Don't let anyone stop you from doing what God created you to do!
How about us? We are no different to the Einstein's or Hersey's of this world as we too were created for a specific purpose. We were created to do something that God solely designed for each one of us to do and despite our maybe failed attempts we are to keep pressing toward the mark. When we know we are created for a purpose, it's hard to give up or give in, no in fact something within keeps telling us to go a little further even when we can't see the end.
Isaiah 43:7 reminds us that God created us solely for His glory (Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.) But what does that mean? It means we were created to demonstrate the power and gifting of God so that He may be glorified. We are created in His image for a purpose and that purpose is so that men would know the strength of His might and the glory of His resurrecting power. What greater purpose could we serve?
Perhaps we will demonstrate God's glory by inventing some ornate object that man couldn't possibly conceive of on his own, maybe we'll sing so melodiously that all will want to hear our voice and know our song, or perhaps we will have the gift of just helping people and everyone who comes in contact with our assistance will feel the presence of God! All of this is for His glory when we the created, remember to credit the Creator.
Today let us remember that we each have a purpose and that is simply to give Him glory! Don't let anyone stop you from doing what God created you to do!
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