“For I am
the LORD, I change not…”
--Malachi 3:6
--Malachi 3:6
Melanie’s life seemed to spin in a whirlwind. Everything around her seemed to change in a one moment. In one week she lost her job, discovered she was pregnant, and learned that her husband was very sick. Shaking her head in disbelief, she wondered why she was experiencing so many changes almost all at once. What was she to do? Why now God?
But what a blessing it is to know that God never changes; through all of time, He remains the same. He is a constant friend, He is consistent; He will not be one way with you and different with me—He shows no partiality, but treats everyone the same. So what is it exactly that will not change about God? His word will never change. He reminds us that heaven and earth will pass away, but that His word will never pass away (Matt. 24:35). That means that everything that God set forth in His word will be made manifest because He cannot change, He cannot go back on His word, and He cannot lie, for He is not man. (Num. 23:19) His word is a sure thing. When we think about it from the beginning of time, He promised to bring the sun to our day and the moonlight to our night—and we still see the sun in the morning and the moon at night. In the Book of Lamentations, He again reminds us that His faithfulness is great, meaning He is always steadfast in His allegiance to us, it is unwavering and He will not bend.
Since we live in a world that is ever changing, it is wonderful to know that there is One, who will never change. We never have to worry about Him growing more rigid in time, becoming less loving in time, or less giving in time! Why? Because He is the same God that opened the Red Sea and the same God that will make a way out of no way for you and I; He is the same God that brought the Israelites into the promised land and is the same God that will supply us with a prosperous life; He is the same God who sent His only Son to die for our sins and the same God who will still give all He has for just one soul; He is the same God that delivered Daniel out of the lions den and is the same God who will deliver you and I; He is the same God who healed blind Bartimaeus and is the same God who can still open the blinded eyes to who He is; He is the same God who opened Sarah’s womb and is the same God who will open and can open our wombs today; He is the same God who found a wife for Isaac and is the same God who will provide us with a spouse today; God has not changed—He is the Lord!
As we go throughout our day and we think on who our Lord is, remember that He will never change because His word will not change; it is we who must change to mold ourselves like Him, we must transform our minds, and conform our will to His, and rest in His blessed assurance that He will always be ours.
1 comment:
Wonderful subject, awesome Word. I am saturated by the faithfulness and wonder of our Great and loving God.
Thank you for the inspired Word.
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