Sunday, November 30, 2014

Game Changer: I've Learned God Must Control

Have you ever tried to control or manipulate a situation to work to your advantage? As selfish as it may seem; it happens more than we care to admit. Do you remember the story of Rebecca and her two sons, Esau and Jacob?  If you do, you'll remember that Rebecca did everything in her power to control a situation: she wanted her favored sin, Jacob, to receive Esau's blessing! How awful is that when your own mother is willing to snub you just so your dining can have what actually belongs to you at any cost? Well this mother did just that and she plotted the whole thing, only she didn't realize that her manipulations and schemes would ultimately destroy both her sons in the process.

Much like Rebecca many of us don't see the consequences of our actions before making our decisions to act in the first place, rather we just see what we think the end will be. Not sure, how many times to we pick up the game controllers of life trying to beat the game of life because somewhere in our twisted minds we thought we had some modicum of control over what happens to us, when actuality we don't! As a result we lose out and often have to re-do it over again often with much less (I.e. failed relationships, broken families, weakened finances, family strife, physical ailments and the like etc.). Why bother with this when we can simply allow God to control?

Today focus on the word of God which reminds us in Proverbs 19:21, "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." Make up in your mind today that God's way is best; let go and let Him control!

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