Saturday, December 20, 2014

Change Builds Character

Greg couldn't seem to readjust to the cold New England climate that he once lived in not too long ago. He had lived in Florida for some time and grew accustomed to the hot summers and mild winters, but life was such that an opportunity caused him to move back to the ever changing weather. More than anything, he hated shoveling snow because it was often cold, wet, and heavy. His arms, back, and shoulders would be in so much pain after shoveling that he would often have to soak in hot water. What Greg didn't realize, however, was that the heavy snow lifting was actually building his strength and endurance.

Perhaps we too can relate to Greg in that we find it difficult to adjust to changes in life especially when it means faces harsh conditions to obtain a greater goal. For instance we may get a raise but we didn't realize that it would mean more hours, or we may finally get that relationship we've been asking for, but we never knew it would mean we would have to sacrifice so much.

In moments like these we must remember God's word which says in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 that our outer man is wasting away daily but our inward man is being changed and strengthened constantly. Why? Because while our bodies go through trials and are beaten by various weather conditions, those afflictions are simply building character that looks just like Christ.

Today let us be reminded that change is simply building us for greatness!

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