Thursday, December 25, 2014

Mirror Mirror

We live in a world where appearance matters. We see it on social media where pages are flooded with selfies and photos, on the streets where billboards are filled with the ideal image, and where commercials encourage us to take self inventory of appearance with all sorts of products. While having a spectacular outward appearance certainly adds to one's confidence and/or swag it doesn't guarantee that inward beauty.

Helen came to find that out when she pursued her modeling career. She had it all. From her figure to her face, she was gorgeous. Top agencies around the country wanted her well until they actually met her. See Helen had a very nasty disposition as she believed her looks would compensate for her attitude. When in her presence she was impolite, rude, snobbish, and judgmental. She had a knack for pretty much turning off everyone she came in contact with often leaving herself cold, alone, and ultimately bitter.

Then one day she heard a life altering message. She heard a preacher teach from 2 Tim 3:5 which said that we can live a life that looks like God is on board but deny the working of His power in our lives. When she heard this word she realized that she was living a life without meaning and void of any godly character. She looked like the beauty of God but denied Him from taking residence in her life. As a result she missed all of what God had in store for her because she was in her own way.

If any of us have ever found ourselves more focused on taking care of the outward body more than inward man, then it's time to reevaluate our priorities and place Jesus at the center of our lives! Today remember that there's nothing wrong with looking good, but we can't make that the focus of our existence as there is so much more to life. So let us take heart and maintain a healthy balance because we are simply NOTHING without Him.

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