Melody's name was synonymous with her attitude. She looked at the glass as half full and not half empty; she was upbeat and energetic; and she tried not to complain when things looked grim. Then one day reality really sunk in: over a span of five years nothing had changed. She still was living paycheck to paycheck, she was still single, longing for companionship and children, and she still didn't know what God wanted out of her life. What suddenly became so clear, became surprisingly puzzling to Melody as she didn't understand what God was doing or why her struggle hadn't changed.
Uncertainty plagues are lives with the following questions: who? what? where? when? and why? More than anything we want to know why? Why not me Lord? Why haven't I received the blessings You promised me? Why is it taking so long? Why haven't you saved me from this distress? Why did you take my loved one at this time? Why? Why? Why?
Asking why, doesn't always guarantee us an answer though, because sometimes God just wants us to trust Him in times of uncertainty. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to trust in the Lord with all of our heart and lean not to our own understanding, but acknowledge Him in everything we do and He will direct our paths. See His word doesn't say that when we don't understand His plan, that He would tell us, but it does caution us not to try and figure it out, causing ourselves needless anxiety and frustration. His word simply asks us to trust Him with everything we have: our whole heart.
That can be pretty hard to do when we cannot see the end of the tunnel, without an idea of how long this process will take before we feel relief or experience breakthrough, but that's where faith kicks in. We have to have faith despite what we see and trust in who we know. We must develop a mindset and heart-ttitude that says, "God, I don't get it and I may not even like it, but I accept it, even if it's longer than anticipated, because You have what's best in store for me."
See when we don't know God's plan, He does. He knows what it will take to get us on our knees, broken before Him, and surrendered totally to Him; His no's and His delays are all for our good, we have to believe that and accept it, as our acceptance of His will, will ultimately bless our souls! Today let us know that uncertainty is but for a season, when we are yielded to His way.
Uncertainty plagues are lives with the following questions: who? what? where? when? and why? More than anything we want to know why? Why not me Lord? Why haven't I received the blessings You promised me? Why is it taking so long? Why haven't you saved me from this distress? Why did you take my loved one at this time? Why? Why? Why?
Asking why, doesn't always guarantee us an answer though, because sometimes God just wants us to trust Him in times of uncertainty. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to trust in the Lord with all of our heart and lean not to our own understanding, but acknowledge Him in everything we do and He will direct our paths. See His word doesn't say that when we don't understand His plan, that He would tell us, but it does caution us not to try and figure it out, causing ourselves needless anxiety and frustration. His word simply asks us to trust Him with everything we have: our whole heart.
That can be pretty hard to do when we cannot see the end of the tunnel, without an idea of how long this process will take before we feel relief or experience breakthrough, but that's where faith kicks in. We have to have faith despite what we see and trust in who we know. We must develop a mindset and heart-ttitude that says, "God, I don't get it and I may not even like it, but I accept it, even if it's longer than anticipated, because You have what's best in store for me."
See when we don't know God's plan, He does. He knows what it will take to get us on our knees, broken before Him, and surrendered totally to Him; His no's and His delays are all for our good, we have to believe that and accept it, as our acceptance of His will, will ultimately bless our souls! Today let us know that uncertainty is but for a season, when we are yielded to His way.
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