Saturday, December 13, 2014

Build Up

Little Johnny had began to build a skyscraper with his favorite set of building blocks. He loved building skyscrapers partly because he marveled at how tall the building blocks got and also because it was the work of his own hands. While playing, Amanda decided to knock them down as she didn't like the height not the colors of the blocks; she only wanted to use the yellow blocks and she wanted to build a doll house. Johnny, in tears, as comforted by his teacher and encouraged to rebuild again despite Amanda's aversion for skyscrapers.

In life we will undoubtedly face situations like little Johnny where we are building ourselves up to be who God wants us to be when life hits: people tear us down with words, burden us with drama, confuse us with deception, and hurt us with their own hidden agendas; but we still have to build and rebuild. Moreover, we will need people like Johnny's teacher in our lives to build us up. In fact we must become like Johnny's teacher in that we find ourselves building others up to do great things instead of knocking each other down like Amanda.

Ephesians 4:29 instructs us to keep our lips free from unwholesome  talk and to build one another up. In other words stop speaking against your brother or sister and have only positive things to say so that their faith may be built up.  Speaking positively may include correction and will sometimes call for harsh truths but that is so we may grow into the skyscraper God called us to be. God doesn't want us live in doll houses as the greatness within is too big to be contained in a tiny space that it's not reality. Moreover God wants us to use our hands like little Johnny and build works for His glory.

Today let us look to be built up and to build others up along the way as this is God's command for us.

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