Have you ever found yourself comparing yourself to someone else? For instance have you ever looked at someone else's life, realized you took the same steps they did, but ended up with different results? For example: Harriet went to college, went to business school, and made good grades just like Sheila, but she hasn't had a job in over two years and certainly hasn't had a high paying one like Sheila. Josephine dated her college sweetheart, tripped up made some mistakes along the way, but she married him, meanwhile Carla's college sweetheart left her by the wayside. Martha started her baking business five years ago and still hasn't been able to break even, Susie started hers last year and is already breaking even...why?
Much like Zerubbabel, there will be things that are out of our control. There will be things that we don't understand, can't make sense of, that don't add up, and sometimes appear unfair. In those moments we may grow weak and weary in our well doing as we may begin to think: what's the point?
In the book of Zechariah 4:6 the angel of the Lord reminded Zerubbabel that when you can't make sense out of a situation, it is not for you to figure out, for it can only be done by the power of the living God. Zerubbabel didn't understand how the lamps burned continually without anyone supplying the actual oil for it and he couldn't make heads or tails of what it all meant or signified, but God reassured him that there will be circumstances in life that you won't figure out or accomplish on your own. In those moments we must look to God alone.
Too often we waste time trying to figure out why we don't have or why things haven't worked out the way we would like, but if we would just trust God and rely on His strength, He will bring it to pass in due season by His spirit. His spirit ultimately will rest upon us if we faint not and we will be victorious. Keep pressing and know that some things simply require the anointing of God and nothing else will do!
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