Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Not Too Proud to Repent

Have you ever been wrong and strong at the same time? Have you ever been the person on the receiving end of someone who just couldn't seem to bring themselves to say, "I'm sorry," and you almost had to apologize to them, even though you were the one who was hurt or wronged? Then on top of that you had to forgive them for even the apology you may never receive?  Well if any of these feelings have ever rung true, you're not alone.

Having a mindset that is too proud to repent or forgive can be problematic. An unrepentant heart blocks healing and creates a separation between the individual and God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is very clear on that as God reminds us that if we would only humble ourselves, pray and seek His face, turn from our wicked ways then and only then would He heal our land. In other words if we feel like there are areas that are unhealthy in our lives, check for non-repentance. The word of the Lord also says in Matthew 6:15 that if we don't those we see from day to day then God will not forgive us!

Humility is key in both instances. We cannot be too proud to repent or forgive. Repentance requires a change of mind and forgiveness requires a relinquishment of the hurt all in an effort to submit to God. When someone is truly humbled they are not wrapped up into who's right or wrong nor do they continue to walk in the path that kills who God created them to be; but rather humility requires a lowliness of heart that with complete certainty says, "I'm not too proud to repent!"

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